Believe it or not, that is NOT John Lennon!!! Its an extremely gorgeous look-a-like who ought MARRY ME because he's so freaking hot. I mean, WOW! I think John is jealous. Well...maybe not, but this guy is a beauty. His name is Alan and he's a professional Lennon impersonator.  *WoW* This George-Look-A-Like is one handsome chap! His name is Jim, and he used to perform in the Beatles tribute band "Come Together". I never saw the band live in action, but I visited their web-site once and the "George" fellow really impressed. When I decided to make this page, I still remembered him and decided he would make a great addition. So I set forth to find their web-site again. It took me quite a while, until I finally found the darn page. I could tell because I remembered the cute "George" was also in the same band as the fatter "Paul". But to my dismay, cute "George" had been replaced! There was a new chumpy-looking "George" which led me to believe Jim must have quit. Luckily, the new-and-not-so-improved band had forgotten all but one picture with their old band-mate in it and thats the only one I could use. Still looks pretty though!  Pictured aboved, is the delightfully witty Bret. When I saw this piccie, I nearly fell out of my chair! He portrayed a striking resemblance to Sean Lennon, John's second son. The picture was taken in college and now, Bret's a little bit older. He has come to look more like John these days, which is nothing to fret about. How cute... Twins of beauty. To the left, we have the lovable Captain Salad whose real name is ironically enough: Paul. And to the right, none other than that crazy Macca we know and love. The Captain is a native fact, a current Liverpudlian. He plays the role of "Paul" in a tribute band to the lads and if he sounds as accurate as he looks, thats one band you don't wanna miss! You can check out Captain Salad's amusing web-site called "Secrets and Flaming Pies" which is linked on our Linkies and Ringos page. Captain Salad, you heart-breaker, you... Ooooh! There's a man I'll never forget. The sweety on the left is DALE, from the British Invasion. Dale was a fabulous "Paul" until he decided to leave the group, form a new band and become a manager. Just kiddinG! No, he actually left so he could do "Elvis" on a casino-cruise boat. Wow. From Beatle to Elvis. That takes quite a spread of vocals, my friend!  Lordy, Lordy! Look whose sexy. This is the Sonny to my Cher, the Coca to my Cola, and the honey of my *dreams*! His name is John Babcock AKA Gorgeous Johnny (my nickname for him). I met Gorgeous Johnny [left] while he was performing with a Beatles/'60s Music tribute band at Epcot. My best friend, Abby, sister, Jenny, and myself became the official groupies to that band (the British Invasion), and we've been visiting them as much as physically possibly for almost a year and half now. Our favorite, Johnny, has a good thing goin' for him: he looks like both John AND Paul at the same time! A *sexy* combination. Here is our example of his resemblance to Lennon.  ...And now, his resemblance to McCartney! To the right, we can see Johnny performing at Epcot looking gosh darn FINE! He's striking a pose and being "Johnny". What a sweetheart. See what I mean when I say he has a Lennon+McCartney look going on? I love you, baby! For those of you intrigued as I am, check out the John Babcock Fan Club (the link will be on the Home page or the links page). Join today!