The year 2001 brought many new faces to the world of modeling. Generally speaking, models were tall and slender with a perched
face and small features. And in today's fashion kingdom, there seems to lack any other PATTIE BOYD. Pattie was unique among
other models of her time; she was not the usual stick-thin model with an average face. Pattie Boyd (or Lady Blonde was we
call her) had a soft, round face, big bold baby blue eyes, long blonde hair, a nice figure, and her signature space between
her two-front teeth. The year 2001 would never allow a feature such as this into the world of modeling! But in the 1960s,
it was a symbol of innocense and a rather cute quality she had.

In the beginning of Lady Blonde's career (1964), her look was fresh and adorable. She kept a sweet smile on her face, and
modeled the latest fashions: from the baby doll look to shift dresses. The styles were the fabbest Britain had ever seen and
Pattie became an icon for innocense and beauty. By 1965, Pattie's popularity was in full swing! She and George were officially
a couple, very much in love; this helped sprout her career and opened new doors to her. More interesting apparel was worn
in fashion shoots, and the mini skirt was introduced to the public, by Mary Quant. Pattie's hair was blonder than ever, though
her pictures matured from the '64 baby doll that she had once been. Plaid, striped, and polka-dotted dresses took the public
by storm, and Pattie helped influence the style.

You might say the sixties took a wild turn into peace, love, and happiness but it all began in 1966. This was the sixties
most popular year for fashion! Twiggy was annouced the face of '66 and Pattie was right along with her. Clothing styles, hair,
and make-up were changing from cute to MOD. Heavey eye make-up was a must, and pale lips to contrast. Lady Blonde trended
the adorabley fab 'flip' hairstyle. Her hair was also darkening into a dirty blonde, and her make-up becoming as gear as ever!
Headbands were out and high hair was in. Mini dresses were a big hit, as well as odd styles which haven't been worn since.
Panty hose with prints on them were the latest fad worn with pointed shoes or go-go boots. From tweet jackets to night time
dresses, Pattie modeled it all! She was a regular in teenager magazines, and all the girl wanted to be her. Pattie was a fashion

The late sixties brought fourth various changes in fashions' fickle world. By now, a more sophisticated Pattie Boyd hit the
scene. Her hair was a darker blonde, and her appearance was more womanly than girly. She began to replace the straight 'flip'
with long locks of hanging curls. Heavier make-up evolved, and more ellegant styles over-ran the silly, dolly dresses and
shoes. She made the cover of Vogue magazine, a major accomplishment and modeled classy ensembles. But as the '70s drew near,
Lady Blonde's career was slowing down dramatically. She appeared less and less in teenager magazines, for she was older now,
a woman. Eventually, Pattie dropped out of modeling all together, and in the mid-sixties, divorced George from complications
with her new love, Eric Clapton.

Whatever happened to Lady Blonde? She divorced Eric Clapton in the '80s, having no children to my knowledge, and she is single
today. Lady Blonde took an interest in photography, and became the chick behind the camera, and not in front. A photographer
today and still as beautiful and youthful looking, Pattie now resides in England quietly and out of the media's attention.
She will always be remembered for her outstanding career and giving the sixties an edge. From adorable to sophisticated, this
is Pattie Boyd, our Lady Blonde.
